Have an issue with ANYTHING you purchased on this website? Have a 1 Wheel Parts / Ignite product that is defective that was purchased from a authorized 1 Wheel Parts Dealer? We have your back! All we ask is that you help a little with the return shipping. Just add this item to your shopping cart so we can be alerted of the issue immediately. This way we have all your correct contact & shipping info. You will be charged a flat $4.20 shipping if the return is the only item in your shopping cart. If you have other items in your cart the $4.20 will cancel out and you will only be charged shipping for the items you just purchased. The replacement product will then ship with your new order. In the above "comment" section please let us know what order# was associated with this return. If you do not have that info please give us a brief description of what is going on and someone will get back with you ASAP to resolve the issue. CONTACT PAGE